Question on BABY Tea Party

blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
Question on BABY Tea Party
blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
I see they are doing a tea party this year. I've never been to a brand tea party before. I know you have to wear something from BABY to attend, but is it acceptable to wear their sub-brand, Alice and the Pirates to the event?

leromun @leromun
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Question on BABY Tea Party
leromun @leromun
I'm not entirely sure about the whole brand tea party myself, but it's a sub-brand developed by BABY, right? It should be alright. You can ask them when you get there at the con just to be sure.

blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
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Question on BABY Tea Party
blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
Thanks! I'll do that.

idreamofskyy @idreamofskyy
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Question on BABY Tea Party
idreamofskyy @idreamofskyy
people definitely wore alice and the pirate's to last year's baby tea party; you're definitely fine going with AatP (better to plan it out now than at the con!)

blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
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Question on BABY Tea Party
blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
Cool! Thanks! Glad to hear that. I didn't want to offend any of the brand reps.

Michi @elle2105
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Question on BABY Tea Party
Michi @elle2105
I emailed the SF store to ask if BABY accessories, bags, shoes, etc. are included in the dress code. A 20-inch skirt waist may be too tight for my 27" waist and I'm not sure on their return policy. I'm hoping Souffle Song is high enough quality.

blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
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Question on BABY Tea Party
blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
@elle2105 Returns are probably not the easiest. A lot of Japanese brands don't really allow them unless the item is defective. But you probably would at least fit into shirred BABY skirts if you have a 27" waist. They list the measurements on the site, and while they aren't 100% accurate (I think they measure the exterior) they should be relatively close within an inch I would think. For example this skirt: says it fits up to a 37" waist.

Michi @elle2105
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Question on BABY Tea Party
Michi @elle2105
Thanks blackmagemoogle, I noticed that skirt too. I may go with Milk Chan's Fantasy Wonderland in ivory, I think I would stress about the reservation. Did you get email response for the tea party yet?

blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
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Question on BABY Tea Party
blackmagemoogle @blackmagemoogle
I just got it! So excited! Did you get yours?
Also I totally understand stressing. I'm not a fan of reservations either. That was just the first skirt I clicked on that had a nice size range.

Michi @elle2105
commented on
Question on BABY Tea Party
Michi @elle2105
I got mine but trying to figure out how to buy ticket. It keeps going to the completed registration and shows I bought weekend badge earlier. Were you able to get to the link?
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