Have a question? I may be able to help!

I ordered 2 badges, one for myself and one for my mother. When I log onto my account and click 'Manage Your Registrations' neither of them are there? I don't know why it's doing this. Should I contact Anime Midwest about this?
PLEASE HELP! I registered to be a volunteer/staff and I didn't know if you get free admission to the convention or not, so I just paid for my ticket to the con but I want a refund if I'm a staff member!
Hi I sign up to be a staff member but when i clicked submit it said that page wasn't available. Did I sign up or are there technical issues going on? ...Or are there enough staff!!! :,,,,(
They say you can get dvds signed, can you also get manga signed too?
@amyb The volunteer and free comped badges is all depending on how many hours you work. To check and see about a refund or comped badge you should contact staff via the contact page https://animemidwest.com/more
@sydlikau To my knowledge they can never have enough staff! And they have some amazing staff :) It could be the page needed a refresh, however if you are still having trouble signing up to volunteer you can always sign up at the convention this July!
@tigerblaze It all depends on the guest. The last 5 years I have been attending I have yet to see a guest refuse to sign an item. I know sometimes certain guests will only sign official licensed materials (DVD's, Manga, Wall-scrolls) but again each guest is different. I don't foresee you having an issue with getting your manga signed :)
Does anyone know where the Death Note meetup is for Sunday??
So we bought a bunch of tickets earlier fir my group and each were sent to their separate houses and all of us got our badges besides one person, will they be able to pick it up at the convention?
I don't know if anyone is responding to this anymore, but I'm really hoping someone is. I'm a first time con-goer, so all of this is new to me. Can I register at the door for one-day tickets? It's unclear to me if you can.
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