Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015

SugaMaple @lovelymaple
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
SugaMaple @lovelymaple
So! Trying to get that Hetalia panel together for Anime Midwest and it’s slowly coming along. If anyone is interested, PLEASE MESSAGE ME. I don’t bite~ We are looking to get together the Axis Powers and Allies then go from there.
What I need from you beautiful people:
Your name -
Your age -
The country you want to cosplay -
A picture of your cosplay (if you have the attire already) -
If you have any past panel experience -
If you have any suggestions for events/games during the panel -
Also, I need you to send me an audition video doing impressions of the character that you are auditioning for! If you can keep an accent for the entirety of the panel then wonderful! But if not then no biggie.
Here’s a mini list of nations, both taken and not, that I will update as time moves forward. Possibly taken characters can still be auditioned for but taken cannot be. Any questions, comments or concerns, please message me!
***EDIT 6/10/15*** We got the panel spot! It's going to be on the 4th from noon to 1:30pm. Can't wait to see you guys there! :D
•Italy: TAKEN
•Germany: OPEN
•Japan: OPEN
•America: TAKEN
•England: TAKEN
•France: TAKEN
•Russia: TAKEN
•China: TAKEN
•Canada: TAKEN
•Prussia: OPEN
•Spain: TAKEN
•Romano: TAKEN

SugaMaple @lovelymaple
commented on
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
SugaMaple @lovelymaple
We need people for Russia, Prussia, Germany and Japan!!

psycosyd @psycosyd
commented on
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
psycosyd @psycosyd
Hi I'm not sure how the message works on this but I actually am planning a panel I want to ask you about as well as audition for the hetalia. Can you please message this noob about my panel and I'll send my info over. :3

canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
commented on
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
can i try for Germany please or russia

canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
commented on
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
yeah i don't know how this work lol

SugaMaple @lovelymaple
commented on
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
SugaMaple @lovelymaple
Send me a message via tumblr or deviantart with all this filled out and with an audition tape thing on youtube. (: Are you 15+?

canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
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Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
i don't have that i have email a and no i'm 12 but i'm good at Germany like the best at him

SugaMaple @lovelymaple
commented on
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
SugaMaple @lovelymaple
Would you be able to have parental permission? I'd have to see pictures of your cosplay as him though too. Right now Midwest hasn't emailed me back on if our panel was approved yet so we aren't too sure if we're even in but as long as you fill this out than I can keep you in mind should we get the spot! My email is

canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
commented on
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
my parents gave me permission and the audition tape will be done soon

canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
commented on
Ask Hetalia Panel? 2015
canadaxprussia @canadaxprussia
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