Anyone up for some free stuff?

Hopefully it is okay to post this here, but considering it does relate to Midwest I think it should be (: I have two PS3 games and some YuGiOh cards I would like to giveaway. I already own these PS3 games and got an extra copy in a grab bag at Kollision Con last year, so I don't need two copies. The YuGiOh cards I don't need because I dont play the card game. I've looked up the prices and at least two of the cards are selling for about $13 on ebay and amazon, the rest go for around $1 to $3. I am asking for this giveaway that people sign up so that two random names can be drawn next Friday (thats one week from today). I am also asking you be attending Anime Midwest 2014 this year so if you win I can give you the PS3 games or YuGiOh cards over the convention weekend. Again, this is free people. So if you are interested please watch my video explaining everything I just said including how to enter your name. Thanks! Youtube- YouTube channel name- Happy Cosplayer
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