Cosplay Dresscode

shadow2523 @shadow2523
Cosplay Dresscode
shadow2523 @shadow2523
Male friend of mine was thinking of going in a Free! cosplay (bathing suit bottom) Would that be considered passable or would that violent cosplay dresscode?

amorette @amorette
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Cosplay Dresscode
amorette @amorette
Last year I saw a Free cosplayer who was only wearing swim trunks. So if the bottom is spandex I think it would be ok.

nic0lina @nic0lina
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Cosplay Dresscode
nic0lina @nic0lina
Hi this will be my first anime convention & I'm super excited. I'm cosplaying maka from soul eater. The death synth that I need is made out of a material called PVC. Is this material aloud? Thanks :)
Twitter- kickthefizzy
Kik- nicolina101
Contact me somehow :)

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Cosplay Dresscode
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Shadow- Yes, that is allowed. He should have no trouble in fact I dare say warn him about the fan girls! (:
Nic0lina- as long as your prop is not made of steel, looks too real, or is too huge to carry around hotel hallways your prop should be fine. Check with con ops if you feel unsure. If it's too huge and is therefore blocking hallways you may be asked to leave the prop in a hotel room. If it looks real they will want to look it over and probably put a zip tie on it for the weekend.
I make huge props myself and have never had a problem at conventions. My black rock shooter canon was only checked once for looking too real.
If you have further questions feel free to add me on Skype or message me here!

leromun @leromun
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Cosplay Dresscode
leromun @leromun
Actually, ALWAYS check with con-ops for weapon check so they can zip-tie it so that security won't annoy you with redirecting you to con-op to get it checked. ALWAYS get props checked and NEVER take it off. A few did last year and that really burns me up and lead to bad situations and representation of Anime Midwest as well as themselves.
Also- I know that one exception may include if the prop is detachable/can come apart, although, only from a different convention. So you may have to ask con-op about that when you get there.

lannan @lannan
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Cosplay Dresscode
lannan @lannan
Hi, i was just need to know if my cosplay item is ok. Its a baseball bat that has fakr blood painted on it.. just would like to know if that would br fine..

queenb_cosplay @queenb_cosplay
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Cosplay Dresscode
queenb_cosplay @queenb_cosplay
What is the shoe policy, I’m going as a hobbit, and typically they don’t wear shoes. Is that okay or will I need a clear shoe?
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