2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Hey all! Just wondering what cosplays people will do doing for Midwest this year. Care to list a weekend line up?!
Any cosplays you are currently working on for Midwest? Post away!

leromun @leromun
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2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
leromun @leromun
Planning for a cosplay of:
Elise from Sound Horizon 7th Album: Marchen
Kagamime Len of his Project Diva Punkish outfit
and maybe young!Mikasa
These three are already set and the one I'm currently working on with designing and sewing (and probably won't finish in time) would be Charlotte!Witch ver. 2

Kumiko Akatsuki @kumikoakatsuki
commented on
2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
Kumiko Akatsuki @kumikoakatsuki
Planning/already done:
Miku hatsune colorful melody
Duela Dent
Making currently
Project H Rin Kagamine (subject to change thoug)

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Cool cool! If any of you Vocaloid cosplayers are looking for fun I believe myself and fellow vocaloid cosplayers may be shooting a music video some time over the midwest weekend (in Vocaloid cosplay of course).

miss___cassie @miss___cassie
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2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
miss___cassie @miss___cassie
recently found out i'll be attending this con again! yay!
i'll be doing a love ward rin not sure what day but i'll have my love ward miku with me as well

leromun @leromun
commented on
2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
leromun @leromun
I'd love to see you there and take pictures of vocaloid cosplayers! I'll be staffing this year again, so I'll likely be in Con-ops most of them time and will surely go to the vocaloid cosplay meetup as well! Hope to see you there!! >w<

Discordian @discordian
commented on
2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
Discordian @discordian
Either Rabbit or Spine from Steam Powered Giraffe, my boyfriend will be accompanying me as Hatchworth.

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
These all sound like some epic cosplays that I can't wait to take photos of!

night08 @night08
commented on
2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
night08 @night08
I'm cosplaying as gender bender Gajeel. I'm still working on it. Anyone got tips?

PastaFrost @randomhetalian
commented on
2014 Cosplays- Curtain call!
PastaFrost @randomhetalian
Vocaloid Kaito. And His Love is war version.
Signless/sufferer from Homestuck.
Who knows~ looks like a lot of neat sounding cosplays guys!
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