Hey there!

hoshikasamurakami @hoshikasamurakami
Hey there!
hoshikasamurakami @hoshikasamurakami
Hi! My name's Heather and I'm super excited for this year's convention because it'll be my first convention ever! I'll be cosplaying for sure as Serah Farron from Final Fantasy XIII. She'll also be my first cosplay ever! Nice to meet you all! ^3^

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
commented on
Hey there!
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Hey there Heather! My name is Rebekah, but at cons I'm Armand or Miku to friends (:
Wow! That's cool you picked Midwest to be your first con! And first cosplay no less! Go you (:
If you have any questions about anything feel free to email me or add me on Skype! I'm friendly and like making new friends, hopefully I don't scare you d:
Anyways I look forward to hearing from you, and I'll hopefully see you at Midwest!

hoshikasamurakami @hoshikasamurakami
commented on
Hey there!
hoshikasamurakami @hoshikasamurakami
Thank you! Yeah, I'm pretty excited! c: Nice to meet you, Rebekah! I love making friends myself! I also saw your cosplay response. Thank you for the advice! I'm on Skype a lot! Add me? My username is HeatherQ91

darklink08 @darklink08
commented on
Hey there!
darklink08 @darklink08
Hiii Heather nice to meet you! This is my second time going to Anime Midwest and I'm going to do Dark Link again and Cosplaying as Anbu Zabuza from Naruto. ^_^

Gentlemen Jospeh R. Priest @jrpriest2012
commented on
Hey there!
Gentlemen Jospeh R. Priest @jrpriest2012
Hello Heather , nice to meet you , this is my first convention too, and can't wait to meet ya. See you in July :)

hoshikasamurakami @hoshikasamurakami
commented on
Hey there!
hoshikasamurakami @hoshikasamurakami
Nice to meet you guys as well! I'm really excited! I totally changed my cosplay to Sophia Esteed from Star Ocean: Till The End of Time though XD So that's who I'll be going as instead! c:
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