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orngjce223 @orngjce223
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orngjce223 @orngjce223
Hey, I'm also interested in your room! contact me at this username@skype?

jeremy54666 @jeremy54666
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jeremy54666 @jeremy54666
Are you still looking for roomates? My daughter and her female friend are desperately needing a room thanks to my shortsidedness in noticing the group cutoff rate :(

imaginarybutler @imaginarybutler
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imaginarybutler @imaginarybutler
Hi, is your room in the Regency O'Hare? My friend (f) and I are interested!
Room for 5

momobear @momobear
Room for 5
momobear @momobear
I'm looking for 5 more roomies, room is for Thurs-Sun and gender isn't an issue. It's $75 per person. Send a pm if interested.