

Last online almost 8 years ago
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Hotel Staff: I have been to other cons at that same hotel. (Beatlefest.) I think the cons give them a lot of money and business. Certain ones of the staff are rude and hostile. A lot of the staff was nice this time. If people have had a run in with a staff member or a con employee, I think they need to report it to the hotel or the people who run the con. The employees are paid to serve the con goers and make sure we have a safe and pleasant experience. I don't think that their employers told them to be snarky to the kids at this con. If someone yelled at you or your friends for no good reason or gave you really dirty looks or anything like that, it is perfectly acceptable to report them to a manager using a polite tone of voice and polite wording, just as long as you were not doing anything to deserve that kind of treatment.
Another thing that grated on my nerves was that SPG did a million things that were not written on the schedule. I wish there was some way to find them wherever they went besides their Tumblr. I think there should have been schedules posted all over the con of where they would be. Someone could have just hand written it into a schedule, made copies and put them around the con. And the schedule didn't make it easy to find out where stuff was. I have no idea where the con suite was or what was going on in the dome or anything like that.

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