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Hetalia Photoshoot

noellisty @noellisty
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Hetalia Photoshoot
noellisty @noellisty
I barely remember the next part, since it happened so fast and I was on the opposite side of it all. All I really saw was a Germany cosplayer and that Denmark kinda brawling it out. It wasn't a full "slam-face-on-the-floor" kind of brawl, but just enough to say, "Hey guys, knock it off". I have no idea who started it or how it was initiated. However, this Denmark has a history of violent tendencies, which I will not go into even more. All I saw was a couple of light kicks from the Denmark and the Germany cosplayer defending himself from her Axe.
Sorry if this was put into individual posts- it was the only way I could do this. But yeah, this is what I witnessed on my own personal accord.
Hetalia Photoshoot

noellisty @noellisty
commented on
Hetalia Photoshoot
noellisty @noellisty
By the time the photoshoot happened, nobody really knew where they were going. The program said to meet outside the main doors, but we all moved to the loading docks across the street instead, all within the last minute, which made other hetalians that came later to question where everybody went. So when we began the photoshoot, we realized that nobody was hosting or leading us. Unsure what to do, a young girl dressed as Belarus, decided to take hold of the situation and lead the photoshoot. She asked for pairings/group suggestions, timed each photo in order to get every pairing/group in on time, and made her voice loud enough for people to hear. I gave her a lot of credit for leading us when nobody else would (I was leaving early so I really couldn't).
All was good until a Denmark cosplayer became upset when she wasn't allowed to be in the Axis group. (Himaruya places him with the Nordics, not the Axis, though this Denmark used historical information to back up her claim of how Denmark was part of the axis in WWII. (Though it was conquered against it's will and not part of the "main three" or Japan, Germany, and Italy)).