

Last online almost 10 years ago
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Thanks both for a quick reply and for easing my worries! :D I figured it'd be something to consult with someone about at-con, but wasn't sure if there was a con-specific process behind it or anything. To answer your question, I've got my eye on the Saturday dance. I don't want to get off topic--but it's sorta related, so I'll ask anyway, haha. Have you been to the Saturday dance? How was it in your opinion? :)
Hello there! This will be my first Anime Midwest, so forgive me if this has been addressed before. I have asthma and I will be carrying my inhaler in a small over-shoulder purse to keep it on me at all times. I want to attend one of your dances and I'd like to have said purse with me. Does Anime Midwest offer bag passes for this sort of thing? I'm not trying to chance my inhaler bouncing out of my pocket in a dimly lit room with other bouncing people. Thanks in advance for any info I get! I know the con is close so if you guys can get some time away, please get back to me so I know what to expect. :)

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