

34 year old Female
over 11 years ago
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I suppose I just have some of my own feedback (I know its really late, sorry!) about the con. While the weekend was very enjoyable for myself and my friends - a few things stood out to me that really put a crimp in the weekend. First of all, FOOD. Dear god, the line for the ConSweet was over 3+ hours on... Saturday was it? I think it was, I don't remember. Absolutely rediculous and needs big improvement. The venue itself was lovely, very clean and spacious and the areas used for the con were nice and well kept, but also a bit stuffy and small. I think bigger rooms are needed for the Dealer's Hall at least because it was constantly crowded in there. Lots of great booths with unique merch though! Con staff were another matter. A lot of the staff were very nice, polite kids. Easy to talk to them and friendly. There were also a few bad eggs as there are with any big event. Saturday night seemed to bring out the bad ones the most as there was one girl who was yelling at people constantly in line for the SPG autographs/photo-op and moving us this way and that without warning. I also noticed that there were not many staff checking badges for 18+ events or checking prop weapons (there apparently was a Hetalia cosplayer with a legit kitchen knife on her, how did that one slide?). More staff are definitely needed next year because it seemed that the con was a tad short staffed. On the last day of the con I ended up getting sick. Sick to the point where paramedics had to be called to come look at me because none of the con staff had any kind of medical training so to speak. They were all very nice to me however, bringing me water and talking to me to keep me calm while I was in the midst of a full-on panic attack. I think it would be much more reassuring to have people at the con who are medically trained for these sorts of things so ambulances don't have to be called unless its a really, really bad emergency. Other than that, I had a wonderful time at my first Anime Midwest and it was a good weekend overall. Meeting SPG was the highlight of the weekend for me and the concert was spectacular. They seemed to be the primary draw for the con. I think for next year you need better staff, WAY MORE ORGANIZATION, and some kind of medical people on hand in case of emergencies. Thank you for your time and I hope someone reads all of this.
Hello everyone! I'm DragonGirl007! I love anime, manga, cosplaying and dragons (duh). I also love Steam Powered Giraffe! I am most likely cosplaying as Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Cross, and Vanellope Von Schweetz this year. :D

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