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Looking for Roommates for CAD

bgasz @bgasz
Looking for Roommates for CAD
bgasz @bgasz
Hi! I'm looking for about 4 roommates for CAD in addition to me and my friend, bringing the preferred room total to 6
If I fill all 6 sports then its $44 from everyone for the room all weekend
I already have the room booked
Not cool with sex or drugs in the room but alcohol is fine.
Money must be transfered to me before the con
I will update this as spots fill up
CONTACT ME AT THESE PLACES (not on this thread, I might not reply):
Skype- cowardmontblanc88
Tumblr- asylum-regular
looking for a room

bgasz @bgasz
looking for a room
bgasz @bgasz
For Anime Midwest
It would be me and three others
2 of us are cosplaying
Has to be walking distance from the convention
We will pay
If you can't go but already booked the hotel, people bailed on you, or just have extra space then please contact me!
skype: cowardmontblanc88
kik: montblanc88
Thank you!