

Last online over 8 years ago
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Let me clarify: There was an Anime Midwest booth at ACen, in which I paid that weekend for my registration for Midwest. Sorry for the misunderstanding!
Okay, so I pre-registered for Anime Midwest at Acen(At the Midwest Booth). I was asked for my email, name, and age, and I paid in full(cash). However, I haven't received any e-mail or anything. I was wondering how I can confirm my registration, etc.? I would email the staff, but for some reason my browser isn't picking up the symbols so I can't read what the email address given on the website is. Thanks for the help! Oh, and if the staff just hasn't sent out emails to the people who registered, I understand, because I assume many people signed up. *Edit: Clarified that I registered for Midwest at ACen

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