Apr 27, 14 at 8:22am

Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
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Daily countdown to Midwest
Happy Cosplayer @ichiichobit
Sunday April 27th, 67 days to go!
Apr 17, 14 at 8:23pm
Ah, cool!
I tried adding you, but maybe you didn't get my request? My UN is shadow-of-the-past13.
Mar 27, 14 at 9:53am
Hello there, BananaIce. Welcome to the convention scene! Have you been to many cons before? Oh my goodness, I am also very excited for that guy with the glassess. He's so funny.
Also, nice cosplay lineup, though I have to admit I'm not very familiar with sdr2. The others are really cool though!~
Mar 24, 14 at 4:37pm
I agree~
I would love to see Vic and Colleen as well. I would also love to see J. Michael Tatum, Patrick Seitz, Ian Sinclair, and Bryce Papenbrook. It would be awesome if just one of them came! Just thought I would suggest a few ideas for guests, the more the merrier~! ^-^
Can I change my badge after I register
almost 11 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)
almost 11 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)
Mar 22, 14 at 2:37pm
Thank you

Mar 13, 14 at 7:02pm
That sounds great! Yeah, I wasn't thinking specifically a cosplay meetup necessarily, but cosplayers/photographers/people not cosplaying/whatever are all welcome. It'd be a blast.
Feb 26, 14 at 11:32am
Thanks for the replies, guys. I will totally be there this year (assuming all goes well). But I'm still wondering,does anyone know why John Lowrie and Ellen McLain cancelled last year?

Feb 23, 14 at 10:59pm
You should email Molly about it and if no one haven't gotten back to you by the time the con is here, then you should print out your paypal receipt to bring that in along with your school ID *or any photo ID*
Feb 21, 14 at 7:33am
Kevin Connolly would love to hit up more conventions if given the chance. His most known roles are Kain Fuery in FMA and FMAB, Takayuki Narumi in Rumbling Hearts, and most recently Heathcliff in Sword Art Online
Feb 17, 14 at 2:44pm
Hello Anime Midwest, Is there any info on a League of Legends tournament?
Feb 14, 14 at 6:39am
That's exciting first con and all (: Midwest is lots of fun you'll make friends for sure (hopefully no enemies)
Can I carry a handheld taser at the con?
about 11 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)
about 11 years ago • Help and Support (Questions and Answers)
Feb 05, 14 at 3:41pm
possession of tasers and stun guns in chicago is illegal. homework. it's necessary to know your stuff for things like that...especially things that require owning a FOID card in the first place in the state of illinois
Feb 03, 14 at 6:16pm
The post was for last year's con. In one case, one person canceled because they found out they couldn't afford to come after all. In another case, someone who was going to stay in our room decided to stay instead in the room of some people they already knew. We still had one person sharing our room, but it would have been better if we could have cut the costs some more.
As for this year, we won't be able to make it.
Jan 30, 14 at 11:38pm
If these two awsome voice actors could be booked that would be amazing! I know a lot of people would be very glad to meet them. If given the opportunity for them or even one of them to come.
Jan 05, 14 at 7:10pm
I agree! I just checked his website and it's so user-friendly and it looks like he enjoys going to conventions! I agree let's bring him!