
Jun 02, 13 at 3:34am
Oh, and are either of your two male friends able to lift boxes that weight up to 50 pounds?
levichan @levichan commented on Hi.
Jun 03, 13 at 11:57pm
Yes, that's correct. They both plan on helping but only one of them should be capable of lifting up to 50 pounds.
Jun 04, 13 at 4:48am
What is the real name of your friend who wants one of our extra vendor memberships? We need to tell the person in charge of the dealers' room who will have the membership.
levichan @levichan commented on Hi.
Jun 04, 13 at 8:28pm
His name is Edward Fok. He's a kid, about 16 years old. I hope that doesn't change anything.
Jun 04, 13 at 9:41pm
It shouldn't make a difference. There's nothing in the dealer letter that gives a minimum age someone has to be to have a vendor membership. There is only one thing that could be an issue. Sometimes we sell knives and swords on consignment from someone else we know. I don't know yet if he'll have any to send with us to Anime Midwest, but I'm not quite sure on the weapons laws there. I know we can't sell blades to anyone under 18 (that's kind of standard everywhere), but someone under 18 might not even be allowed to handle bladed weapons, depending on the laws there. So if we have any, he might not be able to carry them in, but he can still help carry other things in. Anyway, it should still be possible to give him one of our extra memberships.
levichan @levichan commented on Hi.
Jun 06, 13 at 8:34pm
The law is that he's not allowed to buy them here. He can handle them here I think. He also says that he doesn't mind helping your look after your table during the con if you want him to.
Jun 07, 13 at 10:32am
Well, as for his helping look after our booths during the con, maybe. The thing is, he is only 16 and I don't know him personally. I'd need to talk to him first. One thing that could be done in addition to carrying in merchandise is with setting up our displays. I'm not sure how much of it we can get done on Thursday, but we may have more to do Friday before the room opens to the public. After we get as much done Thursday as we can, we'll decide how soon we need to get down to the room Friday to finish setting up. We can let him know then when we might need him for that. During the con itself we may have him helping customers by helping them find something, answering questions, ect., but I'm not sure if I'll have him handling money. As I said, I'll need to talk to him first.
Jun 07, 13 at 10:43am
Has he worked in a store before? If we have him helping with sales, there are several things he'll need to do. He will need to write down exactly what sold. If it's a box of pocky, don't just write "box of pocky", write what kind (such as chocolate, almond crush, strawberry, ect.) Since we also sell books, CDs, and DVDs on Amazon, we need the titles (and subtitles, if any) written down so we can take them off of Amazon. For books, we also need the ISBN written down (really old books won't have this) along with what edition it is and what printing (if it's shown in the book.) If we do have him helping with sales, we'll just have him do cash sales, my wife or I will be the ones to take credit cards. And we do not accept checks due to too many deadbeats giving us a bounced check. There would be other things we'd need to instruct him on as well.
levichan @levichan commented on Hi.
Jun 11, 13 at 7:55pm
I don't think he has. This should his first time. He hasn't been answering my texts so I haven't been able to get any confirmations from him.
Jun 11, 13 at 8:12pm
Well, he can at least help with carrying things in and setting up. After I talk to him, I'll see if I'll have him help with sales during the con.
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