Guests From 2011
Below is a list of past guests, for reference as we are regularly updating guest information for our future conventions
Samurai Dan & Lady Jillian (2011)

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LeetStreet Boys (2011)

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Sean Schemmel (2011)

- Goku, King Kai, Nail (Dragon Ball Z, Kai, GT)
- Amidaru, Rio (Shaman King)
- More characters from: Blue Gender, Mew Mew Power, Yu-Gi-Oh!, One Piece, Samurai 7, and many others.
Ellen McLain (2011)

- GLaDOS, Caroline, Turrets (Portal and Portal 2)
- Combine Overwatch Announcer (Half Life 2)
- Announcer (Team Fortress 2)
John Patrick Lowrie (2011)

- The Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
- Agent Gray (The Matrix Online)
- Voices for: The Suffering, Total Annihalation, No One Lives Forever, Left 4 Dead, and others.
Micah Solusod (2011)

- Soul in Soul Eater
- Malek Yildrim Werner in Blassreiter
- Tsutomu in Birdy the Mighty: Decode
Jamie Marchi (2011)

- Liz Thompson in Soul Eater
- Narrator in Hetalia
- Writer and Director