Haikyuu Cosplay Group

Hi! I just wanted to know if anyone is interested in cosplaying characters from Haikyuu with me! I'm going to be cosplaying Hinata. Let me know in the comments if you're interested and if so who you are going to be cosplaying!
I'm interested I will be tuskishima
I'm interested as well, I'll be cosplaying Kenma. I also have a friend I can rope into being interested, he'll be cosplaying Kuroo.
I will be cosplaying Yachi on Thursday (:
I'll also be Kenma in full uniform~
I'm a little late to the party but i'm bringing at least two (kuroo and sugawara) haikyuu cosplays and maybe one more so i'd definitely be game for that
I just want to inform anyone that this will be open for a very long time so it's never too late to join! I don't mind doubles of the same character being cosplayed either! And also i had to change my acc because due to some technical and memory issues i had to make another acc but if you're still confused my old acc was Senpai_is_my_aesthetic. And also if you have any questions concerning the meetup or group (i don't really know what to call it) then you can email me at miss.misery04@gmail.com Also if you guys who are experienced with these kind of things please let me know so i can set this up properly since this is my first time! Please and thank you! ^_^
I'm gonna be Kenma during the weekend so it would be fun to join your group and take some photos~ If anyone is 18+, ill also be in an 18+ Haikyuu panel at Midwest so look out for that! :D
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