
Jun 17, 13 at 5:41pm
Can anyone provide a list of the DJ's performing?
Jun 19, 13 at 9:46pm
Is the Rave Dance Free?
Jun 23, 13 at 10:39am
The rave dances are always free if you have an official con badge. You need to be wearing it for entry.
otaniart @otaniart commented on Rave
Jun 26, 13 at 4:17pm
What should I wear to the rave because i never been to one
Jun 26, 13 at 9:33pm
Something light, and easy to move around in. It can get extremely hot in there and I've seen some people faint due to not taking breaks if they need to. Usually Rave's have water dispensers and such, make sure to drink if you need it.
Apr 07, 22 at 5:17pm
I was wondering if the rave was 18+ or all ages?
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