Room Booked.

I'm looking for a room. I can easily contribute.
18+ however also looking fro21+..and at least Under 35
I fit that criteria. I'm 30 and can even chip in to bring food/snacks and anything else needed for the room.
Is age that important? I'm old enough, but I'm wondering...
Jun 06, 13 at 2:57pm
ME TOO TEXT 2196827623
I hope I can get a reply soon.
Age to me doesnt matter...i dont mind younger people 16+ to hang out twith BUT my fiance wants some people he can drink with meaning 21 and up. if you three are willing , ar eyou going all three days of the con or what? Also. My Fiance an i are in Indiana and...tryign to figure out how to ride teh south shore from south bend to IL and how to get to the hotel as well. remember 33 dollars just for a night...and 50 for both.
Is Sunday included? Right now I need to crash Sunday. ^_^ There are two other people who may need Friday and Saturday if you are worried about filling in days. My bro is 24 so if he decides to go and camp out, I will tell you. ( For your drinking buddie(s).
Uh..The Con Ends Sunday at 3 which we are checking out Sunday afternoon as well..
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