Is anyone else still waiting for their badge?

Hello, so a week ago I was emailed that my badge had been mailed. The email said it would arrive the same week. My friend was also emailed the same day and she's gotten hers already. So maybe my badge is just running a little late, is it the same for anyone else? If it doesn't get here can I still pick up my badge at the con?
I would think it it doesn't arrive this week you could bring copies of your email to con and tell staff. I would advise contacting Molly and letting her know. She May have a suggestion if your badge doesn't arrive in time.
Aekemi-I got mine last week. I got an email on 6/23 saying it would come in the mail.
I have the same problem I've contacted Molly, but I haven't gotten a reply yet.
My advice for those that got an email saying their badge was shipped but have yet to receive it the day before Midwest: If your badge doesn't come today, and you've contacted staff about the issue with no response, then print off the email that said your badge was mailed. Print off your other email you got when you preregged online earlier and got a confirmation of your purchase. Heck, print off your Paypal receipt if you have that option to. Then bring those and your id to con and explain at pre reg. I heard if your badge was mailed and you never received it to get it at con (maybe a mix up in badges mailed?). Let me know here later how it all turned out for you and how the situation was handle. Thanks, and see you
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