So i have been thinking...seeing as i don't know any other people who enjoy the BROTHERS CONFLICT anime/games/manga i was thinking of starting a (cosplay) panel for it where people can ask questions and such with the panel members answering as the character they would be cosplaying. But the big problem with this idea is that it wouldnt be as much fun with just i was wondering if anyone would like to correspond with me to create this panel and technical cosplay group. :)
well this seems to not have worked in the slightest :I its pretty disappointing :/
Getting a panel together is very difficult and I don't think too many people come on here now but I'm sure there will be more people on around the time of the con. Have you tried advertising on Facebook, Tumblr and other social media websites? I got bites for my panel by having a youtube video up where more people can see it. I think the panel submissions slots are pretty much used up, at least that's what one of the convention runners (admins? lol) told me after I submitted mine a few weeks ago. What I can suggest is finding people at this convention who are interested in Brothers Conflict, hang out with them and maybe plan the panel in advance for next year. I know it sucks having to wait but by then you might have people already lined up for the panel!
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