Looking to meet some new people

Hello! This is my first time going to a convention and I was hoping to find some friends I could hangout with durning the con
I would be more than happy to. :)
Welcome to the convention scene! I would be more than happy to hang with you at any point over the weekend of midwest. I'm also hosting a cosplay bingo and raffle over the weekend so if you are interested in participating for free stuff let,me,know! Will,you be attending on cosplay?
I would also like too
I'd like to be in it, too! This is my first time as well, and it'd be great to hang out with some other people as well. I'll be in cosplay, though- which might look a little bad, but hey, it's my first time. ^-^
Hi! This is my second time going to a convention, and I would love to meet new friends as well. I can only come on Sunday and I will cosplay. In fact, I will be the Weiss on the Rwby q and a panel, so stop by there and say hi.
I also like to make a few more friends, I'll be Ichigo on Saturday and Sunday.
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